
Mother Pelican
A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability

Vol. 17, No. 6, June 2021
Luis T. Gutiérrez, Editor
Home Page


Frugality and Fraternity for a Viable Human Future

The path toward a viable future for humanity requires a convergence of FRUGALITY and FRATERNITY
on a global scale. Frugality includes responsible parenthood in addition to moderation in consumption habits. Fraternity requires dismantling the patriarchal culture of domination that has prevailed since time immemorial, especially in the domain of gender relations. All human institutions must act in the way that is most conducive to integral human development and a viable human ecology.




The Way to Live

Nature's Way, 6 May 2021

Earth and Humanity:
Myth and Reality
Energy and Our Future,
16 May 2021


Global Degrowth Day – Good Life for All
Degrowth Editorial Team

Confusion as a State of Grace: Climate and Kinship in 2021
Installment 2 ~ Greenwashing: The Lure of Eco-Capitalism

Cara Judea Alhadeff

Our Last Resource is Selfless Love
Barbara Williams

2021 Earth Day Appeal to Scientists, Economists, and Politicians
Steve Salmony

Excerpt from Bright Green Lies ~ How the Environmental Movement Lost Its Way and What We Can Do About it
Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith, Max Wilber

Bright Green Lies ~ A Review of the Film and its 'Deep Green' Message
Paul Mobbs

Toward Economic, Ecological, and Human Interdependence
Carmine Gorga

Educating for the Future We Want
Stephen Sterling

Life After Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy
Alice J. Friedemann

How the World's Energy Problem Has Been Hidden
Gail Tverberg

The American Dream ~ Legacy of Fantasy
Keiff Zeff

The Transformative Potential of a Universal Basic Income
Tim Dunlop

How America Went From Mom-and-Pop Capitalism to Techno-Feudalism
Ellen Brown

Finally They Admit Renewables Are Terrible For The Environment
Michael Shellenberger

The Most Colossal Planning Failure in Human History
Richard Heinberg

The Anti-Colonial Politics of Degrowth
Jason Hickel

From the Tragedy of the Commons to Having Skin in the Game
Mathis Wackernagel

The Price of Self-Delusion
Tim Morgan

Demateralizing the Economy Isn't Happening
Kurt Cobb

Clean Energy Minerals Shortage: Who Knew It Could Happen?
Kurt Cobb

If It's Profitable, Is It Really Sustainable?
Gunnar Rundgren

Why Worry About Collapse?
Tom Murphy

Why Climate Science Is Like the Rest of Science
Lawrence M. Krauss

Ruminations on Frugality, Fraternity, and Patriarchal Religiosity
Luis Gutierrez

Global Degrowth Day – Good Life for All

Degrowth Editorial Team

This article was originally published by
Degrowth, May 2021

under a Creative Commons License


This year the Global Degrowth Day will be on 5th June 2021!

Many different public events all over the world will be organised to share alternatives to a growth based society. They want to show: A good life for all is possible!

This year we decided to have Care as a focus topic. The Covid-19 pandemic has made all the more evident what feminists have long argued: care work is the foundation of our economy and society. This work is not only domestic or provided via the market or the state, but it is also communitarian and ecological work. Care work is essential to the well-being of people and ecosystems in all societies. To recognize this, means to accept and honor our dependency on webs of relationships to others, near and far, and to ecosystems. To transform society, care for humans and the environment must be at the center of degrowth’s political vision.

For more details see blog posts about focus topic survey and Care.

All people, groups, organizations and movements that feel connected to the idea of a good life for all are asked to participate. Create local actions and events that show alternative ways and ideas leading beyond a society that relies on economic growth. We want to make these ideas visible for as many people as possible. We imagine a diverse movement for global justice, sustainability and well-being. By putting your ideas into practice we can create a more self-determined and thoughtful way of living together. And a global action day can help to connect different existing initiatives to be part of a colorful and diverse movement for degrowth.

What do we mean by “a good life for all”?

A good life for all requires a way of doing business and a form of society that aim at the well-being of all people and fellow creatures and protect the ecological basis of life. This can only be achieved by a fundamental change in our current mode of living and production as well as a comprehensive cultural change. For us, the values of such a society include mindfulness, deceleration, solidarity and cooperation in order to make possible a self-determined life in dignity for all. As necessary further steps we see among other things a careful handling of resources, the orientation towards sufficiency and a reduction of production and consumption in the Global North. We also need to develop more democratic forms of decision-making to enable genuine political participation, and to reduce global structures of domination and exploitation, such as racism, sexism and neo-colonialism, so that everyone can actually participate in the good life. Such an approach is also called degrowth or post-growth. See also what is degrowth.

Who we are

This event is organized by the working group “Activists and Practitioners”, see for description and contact information. We are active on our degrowth forum. New members are welcome!


The Degrowth editorial team includes Andro Rilovic, Constanza Hepp, Carol Bardi, Gabriel Trettel Silva, Jacob Smessaert, Joe Herbert, KC Legacion, Joëlle Saey-Volckrick, Livia Regen, Nathan Barlow, and Nina Treu. For more information about this team, see their website.


"While we can fool others and even ourselves,
we cannot fool nature and physics."

— Greta Thunberg (b. 2003)


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