
Mother Pelican
A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability

Vol. 14, No. 7, July 2018
Luis T. Gutiérrez, Editor
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Global Governance ~ A Plan for the Nations ~ Step One

Arnold J. Byron

This article was originally published in
Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere, 31 October 2017
under a Creative Commons License

The Chicago Theological Seminary Building at the University of Chicago
by Justin Kern, Flickr | CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Please consider this caveat. In this essay, whenever I use plural pronouns such as we, they, us, them, or the names of groups such as everybody, everyone, or people I am referring to all of the people on Earth.

Now let us begin the essay. The problem with global warming is that it is global. The solution depends on people, but people on different parts of the globe are different. Their cultures are different. Their religions are different. Their economies are different. Yet the solution depends on all of the people of the world working together. Is it possible that everyone can work together? Can the leaders of the nations of the world agree to work together? My answer is yes. It is possible. But our work has to go forward according to a plan. Here is the rub. There is no plan.

Let me use the following allegory to explain. Not long ago many people switched from incandescent light bulbs to florescent bulbs that are more energy efficient. Now we are replacing the florescent bulbs with LED bulbs that use even less energy. Are we acting responsibly? Are we doing the right thing? I say “yes”. Are our actions a part of an overall, far reaching plan? I say “no”.

Everyone has gone willy-nilly trying to do the right things. We can’t fault people for doing the right thing. But, the reality is that our efforts are not standardized or coordinated. If work is not standardized and coordinated the results will be weak, haphazard, and potentially counterproductive; and we will be doomed to fail. Humanity needs a plan. Humanity needs a global plan.

The mindset I want everyone to adopt is to accept that global warming is a global problem and must be solved by a global entity. Therefore the solution is to concentrate our efforts on setting up a global entity that has the authority to solve global warming. I have written a book entitled Of Population and Pollution – A Global Warming Primer. This can be found at In chapter 12 of this book I have laid out my idea for such a global entity.

My action plan calls for the nations of the world to authorize a temporary global government and give that government limited powers. This is the solution we must work toward. The nations of the world will give the temporary government the powers it will need to end global warming and heal the planet. It will be no easy task to get enough nations together to create such an entity. Somehow the nations of the world will have to learn to work together.

Nations can make treaties among themselves. How many nations should get together to be the first to start? Perhaps as few as two nations can set the example and others can join in. The treaties the nations make among themselves will say that they will support and protect the temporary government and that they will not interfere with the workings of the temporary government.

The participating nations will see themselves in an oxymoronic position. Let me explain. The nations will give the temporary government the authority to solve global warming. But, the nations will have to agree that the mandate they have given to the temporary government is sacrosanct. No nation will be able to overrule the temporary government. It will be much like an employer hiring an employee then giving the employee the authority to boss the employer around. It will be weird but necessary and can be made to work.

As for us, we need to begin the process. We need to talk it up on college campuses, Rotary Clubs, in the churches and on street corners. We need to take the message to legislators and organizers. It will be a simple message: “Nations need to get together and form a temporary global authority to tell us what to do to solve global warming, and see that we do it.” When I have asked friends and family, I am usually told, “Let the United Nations do it.” Yet outworn aspects of the United Nations model, such as the Security Council veto, stand in the way of the body’s effectiveness.

My proposal for the temporary government will be made up of three parts. I have not come up with names for these parts except to call them the Alliance, the Committee of the Prominent and the Association. This government will be top down much like a business model is top down.


The Alliance will make decisions on all of the following:

  • a nonviolent, non-eugenic, humanitarian process to reduce the population;
  • a plan to dismantle all things nuclear;
  • an infrastructure of solar panels and wind turbines to end the use of fossil fuel;
  • an infrastructure of mini refineries to remove the excess carbon from the atmosphere; and
  • a gardening technique that will feed the population while crop land is being used to save the planet.

The officers of the temporary government should meet certain qualifications: (1) they should be chosen from everywhere on the globe, and (2) they must be trusted. Where will we find people who are trusted; keeping in mind that these people must be available everywhere in the world? Apart from my parents and family, the pastors of churches I have belonged to and the teachers of schools I have attended have been the most trusted people in my life. This is why I propose the science and comparative religion departments of colleges and universities worldwide as the places from which the officers of the Alliance are recruited and elected. These are the people who will devise, execute and guide us through a global plan.

See chapter 12 of my book for a way to elect officers and for more information than I have provided above. Chapter 12 is available to you here.


Arnold J. Byron is the author of a book, Of Population and Pollution – A Global Warming Primer, a worst-case scenario relative to overpopulation, global warming, and nuclear power plants. The book and website attempt to "kick-start an effort to solve the overpopulated, overpolluted, and overnuclearized situation the world is currently in." For more information about this author, visit his website.

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)


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