Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

                          ESD CONSULTATION FORM  - VERSION 1.0-1.1 - MAY 2009

This consultation on education for sustainable development (ESD) is sponsored by the E-Journal of Solidarity, Sustainability, and Nonviolence (SSNV).  UNESCO has defined eight key areas that should be covered in education for sustainable development: gender equality, health care, environmental stewardship, rural development, cultural diversity, peace & security, sustainable urbanization, and sustainable consumption.   There are 5 questions in each key area, for a total of 40 questions.

Needless to say, UNESCO is not responsible for any misconceptions that the questions might contain. Same applies to the answers to be entered, collected, and analyzed. Hopefully, this exercise will lead to some useful insights and perhaps even some recommendations about education for sustainable development, but there is no presumption that such results will be useful to UNESCO or any other institution.

You have been selected either because you are a member of the SSNV Google Group, or a participant in one of several fora related to sustainable development, or by another individual who has given us your name, because of your expertise in sustainable development and/or related global issues such as gender discrimination, the gap between the very rich and the very poor, and the deterioration of the human habitat.

The consultation form can be completed in one hour or so. Answer each of the questions to the best of your knowledge. All of your responses will remain anonymous.  Complete the survey and press the submit button at the end.  When you press submit, your answers are added to the survey spreadsheet.  A summary of the findings will be made available to participants who provide contact information.

Version 1 is a significant revision of Version 0.  For more information of how the questionnaire was redesigned and rewritten based on V0 feedback and further research, see the following web page:

               E-Journal of Solidarity, Sustainability, and Nonviolence, V5 N5 May 2009


Version 1.1 is an update to clarify the intent of the multiple choice questions.  The intent is not to imply that there is one "best answer" as in academic examinations.  There is no such thing as "the" best answer in sustainable development.  Rather, the intent is to test participant response when they are constrained to selecting one from a finite set of choices, as often happens due to various kinds of constraints.  According to the "precautionary principle," doing nothing is not an option.  Thus it becomes a matter of selecting, from among a finite set of options, the one that is "best" in the sense of being the "most desirable" (or, the "least undesirable") in terms of the anticipated positive/negative impacts on sustainable development.  Subsequent versions of this survey will test other kinds of questions (such as "select all that apply").

Thank you for your patience and participation.

Luis T. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Editor, E-Journal of Solidarity, Sustainability, and Nonviolence
This is a monthly, free subscription, open access e-journal.

                                            CONSULTATION FORM VERSION 1.1

NB: In Version 1, most questions are multiple choice and it is requested that the participant select "the best answer."  This does not mean that other answers are wrong.  It simply means that, given that only one option can be chosen, the responder must decide which one is "the best."

* Required

Irrelevant Critical

Irrelevant Critical

Irrelevant Critical

Irrelevant Critical

Irrelevant Critical

Irrelevant Critical

Irrelevant Critical

Irrelevant Critical